
Blogging 101

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In the world of conscientious consumers today, education-based marketing can be the key to establishing the value and trust that will set your business apart.

Education-based marketing is the sharing of knowledge with the purpose of building trust. It is a strategy that establishes credibility and trust with your customers by using educational messages and informative content.

A great way for businesses of any size to advance their education-based marketing? Blogging! Consumers like to feel like they can understand exactly what they are getting and have a relationship with the company they are buying from, and blog content does this for you!

Hearing aid patients today are doing their research about different companies before purchasing new products. Studies show that 82% of customers find that reading custom content makes them feel more positive about a company, and 90% of customers feel that custom content is useful.1

By creating an educational blog, you can provide valuable information to potential patients while simultaneously establishing your authority and value in the hearing industry. 70% of customers say they would prefer to learn about a company through an article rather than through an ad.1 When you share important information and facts that help customers make a good buying decision, they listen!

While starting a blog can sound like a daunting task, we’ve broken it down into four simple steps:

1. Choose Your Preferred Blogging Platform

In order to publish your blog, a blogging platform is required. Blogging platforms take care of formatting the content as text and images and provide a framework for getting it onto a website. Blogging platforms are broadcast-style communications systems that enable authors to publish posts, which can be delivered through stand-alone websites, email, feed syndications systems, and social networks.2

WordPress is the most popular blogging platform available today. There are currently over 455 million sites that use WordPress. Check out their page here for a walk-through on how to get started. Other popular platforms include Blogger, Wix, and Tumblr. 

2. Decide On Web Hosting

For your web hosting, you will need to decide between self-hosting or a free alternative. While there are differences in types of web hosting, in general, web hosting is securing space on a server to house the content of your website. This space can be rented or owned.3

WordPress, Tumblr, and Blogger all offer free blogs for anyone, however, while using these platforms you won’t be able to get your own domain name. You don’t actually own your blog, rather your blog is hosted on someone else’s web property and they can delete it if they want to.

With a self-hosted blog and your own domain name, you are the true owner of your blog. You’ll be able to name your blog whatever you want and there’s no risk of your blog being deleted by an outside host. 

3. Choose Your Blogs Look 

Once you have your blog built, you can personalize it with the professional look of your choice. Make sure that the look and feel are cohesive to your overall brand. If you’re using WordPress there are a variety of curated preset themes and styles to choose from.

70% of customers say they would prefer to learn about a company through an article rather than through an ad.

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As a professional in the hearing industry, you have a vast amount of industry training and knowledge that you can share with your audience!
Your blog posts can ‌cover anything from industry news to common patient questions. Having a blog lets readers get to know you, your business, and your brand!

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Sources: 1. https://fitsmallbusiness.com/business-blogging-statistics/ 2. https://www.gartner.com/en/information-technology/glossary/blogging-platforms#:~:text=Blogging%20platforms%20are%20broadcast%2Dstyle,syndications%20systems%20and%20social%20networks. 3. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/what-is-web-hosting/