
Utilizing Emotional Marketing

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Have you ever taken a moment to consider what emotions you want your customers to feel when they see your marketing

Understanding the power of feelings and emotional messages in your hearing healthcare marketing can be a powerful tool to reach your customers and positively influence their decision-making. That’s where emotional marketing comes into play. 

Emotional marketing is intentional messaging that can be used to target specific human emotions and persuade consumers. Emotional marketing approaches show consumers that products or services are able to go beyond their basic utility and can speak directly to the concerns of the human experience.1

Emotional marketing appeals exceed customers’ basic or physical needs to reach their emotional needs, and what ultimately drives their behavior. These emotions can include everything from the positives of happiness and hope to the negatives of anger or even fear. 

Research and market analysis have revealed that consumers’ emotional reactions toward advertisements and marketing can be a dominant motivator in spending manners and can significantly convince post-experience mindset and recall.2 Studies show that emotion-based healthcare appeals are more effective than non-emotional appeals.3

Understanding the role of emotions in hearing healthcare marketing is increasingly important as healthcare providers compete on care and quality outcomes and vie for the attention of consumers.

Companies that use this approach can form a deeper connection between their brand and their customers. Emotional marketing may persuade people to buy certain products, engage with a brand, share content or increase their loyalty.1

Brands can have unique meaning to consumers, and meaning or personal experience with a brand can create an emotional connection and positive relationship between the consumer and the brand. Just as many service providers have adopted branding strategies, marketers are branding the health care service experience. Hearing health care is an intimate service experience and emotions play an integral role in hearing health care decision making.4

Many companies focus on all the logical reasons why their audience should choose them. Basing your marketing strategy on data and statistics can feel like an easy way to show off what you have to offer, especially when up against competitors offering similar products and services. These logical appeals have their place, however, if they are executed in a way that overlooks the human element of the experience, they become much less effective.

When it comes to hearing, it’s important to think beyond just the physical products and related services to what the associated experiences make your customers feel in terms of emotion. While you have products capable of improving people’s lives, showing them that compellingly is easier said than done.

While you have products capable of improving people’s lives, showing them that compellingly is easier said than done.

We all know there can, unfortunately, be negative feelings or a stigma associated with needing hearing aids or experiencing hearing loss. Instead of making customers feel any shame or sadness, your marketing should convey messages of hope and empathy.
As reported by Psychology Today, “functional magnetic resonance imaging shows that when evaluating brands, consumers primarily use emotions (personal feelings and experiences), rather than information (brand attributes, features, and facts).”⁵
Through emotional marketing, you have the power to trigger the right feelings and make an ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? and attract attention to your product or service.

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Still not sure exactly how to utilize emotional marketing for your business?
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Sources: 1. https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/emotional-marketing 2. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mai-Ngoc Khuong/publication/283245777_The_Effects_of_Emotional_Marketing_on_Consumer_Product_Perception_Brand_Awareness_and_Purchase_Decision_-_A_Study_in_Ho_Chi_Minh_City_Vietnam/links/5b11e8c2aca2723d997b3d3a/The-Effects-of-Emotional-Marketing-on-Consumer-Product-Perception-Brand-Awareness-and-Purchase-Decision-A-Study-in-Ho-Chi-Minh-City-Vietnam.pdf 3. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JCM-04-2016-1765/full/html?fullSc=1 4. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262575149_Healthcare_Branding_Developing_Emotionally_Based_Consumer-Brand_Relationships 5. https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/emotional-marketing